First communion, profession of faith and confirmation
The different communions

The different communions

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In life we are born, we grow up, then we become adults.

In the Christian life it is the same. The sacraments determine our life, from our birth to our death. For the Church, there are 7 sacraments and they are of 3 orders: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. These three sacraments form the Christian identity.

To enter into the heart of Christian and parish life, one must make communions. But do you know why? The Palais du Rosaire explains to you what exactly they are for.

First Communion

The meaning of First Communion

First Communion is one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. It allows believers to receive the body of Christ with the Eucharist.

What is First Communion?

First Communion is a Catholic tradition that marks the sacrament of the Eucharist. On this day, children receive the body and blood of Christ. This ceremony takes place in church in the presence of the family, but also of all those who wish to attend, godparents, friends, etc.

Generally, after the ceremony, the whole family meets at the home of the communicant for a festive meal. It is common to receive religious gifts at a First Communion.

At what age can you make your First Communion?

This is a celebration for children between the ages of 7 and 12. However, First Communion can be made at any age.

In order to make your First Communion you must be baptized. It is an important day for a child, both in terms of the Christian aspect and the choice of clothing. Both boys and girls should be dressed for the occasion, traditionally in white.

How to prepare to celebrate your First Communion?

Children should be baptised beforehand

They should prepare for communion with at least two years of catechism instruction during which they will develop their knowledge of the Church.

Before communion children must go to confession before a priest.

The profession of faith

What is the profession of faith?

The profession of faith is a celebration during which children renew the commitment made by their parents and godparents at their baptism.

It is a powerful ceremony that allows young people to reflect on their faith and an important celebration for parents. For some young Christians, it is a very important step in their religious life.

It is also a family celebration, a social tradition that makes the child responsible and a rite of passage from childhood to adolescence. For most young people, the profession of faith is their last religious act before their marriage in church.

At what age does one make a profession of faith?

The profession of faith is made at the age of twelve, with the help of the catechism. The child is then able to understand the meaning of the commitment made by his or her godparents at baptism.

What clothing should be worn at the profession of faith?

The profession of faith uses the signs of baptism. The children wear a white alb, like the white garment of baptism, which is a sign of purity. The priest entrusts them with a cross and a candle lit from the Paschal candle.

By emphasising the renewal of baptismal promises, the profession of faith marks a stage in the Christian life before confirmation.

chapelet communion

Communion rosary with chalice-shaped centerpiece in its box 6,50€

images communion

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chapelet communion

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What is confirmation?

Confirmation symbolises a rite of passage to adulthood. A child can be confirmed at the age of 15 or 16. Once confirmed, believers will be led to exercise their mission in the church, i.e. they can carry the Christian word and action. They can in turn become godparents.

By whom are believers confirmed?

It is the bishop who celebrates the sacrament of confirmation. He makes the link with the gift of the Spirit to the apostles on the day of Pentecost and the place of the confirmed in the communion of the whole Church. The bishop marks the forehead of each confirmant with a fragrant oil, the Holy Chrism.

Why make his confirmation?

Confirmation is obligatory in order to be able to accept the mission of godfather or godmother for baptism or to get married religiously. Indeed, the power of the Spirit is indispensable to commit oneself in the name of Christ.

At what time of the year should I take communion?

Spring is the season of communions. Whether it is First Communion, Profession of Faith or Confirmation, the three sacraments are prepared well in advance by going to the catechism or the chaplaincy. It is then impossible to celebrate them at the beginning of the year. Generally these sacraments are celebrated in May-June. This is an important date because it is still part of the Easter season.

Prayer for Communion

Lord Jesus, we come to you to thank you for the sacrament of communion.

We thank you for the gift of your body and blood which is the source of our redemption. We thank you for the grace of receiving your body and blood in the Eucharist.

We ask you to give us the faith to believe in the reality of your real presence in the consecrated host.

We ask you to help us to grow in love and devangelisation for you and for others.

We ask you to bless all priests who celebrate Mass and distribute the consecrated host.

We thank you for all the blessings you have given us through the Eucharist and communion and we entrust our lives and souls to you.


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