Saint Anne-Marie: mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus

Saint Anne-Marie: mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus

The feast of St Anne-Marie is celebrated every year on 26 July. St. Anne-Marie is the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus and is considered a model of piety and devotion. She is often invoked for the guidance of parents and children, and is revered as a protector of pregnant women.

Who is Saint Anne-Marie?

Her story

St. Anne-Marie is considered the mother of the Virgin Mary and thus the grandmother of Jesus Christ in the Christian tradition. She is often associated with the protection of mothers and pregnant women, as well as healing and praying for financial needs. St Anne-Marie is much loved and venerated by Christians around the world and is considered an intercessor for the needs and intentions of the faithful. 

Her significance

St Anne-Marie is considered the mother of the Virgin Mary in the Christian tradition. She is venerated as the mother of the Mother of God, which gives her great importance in Catholic devotion. She symbolises motherhood and maternal protection and is considered the patron saint of expectant mothers, families and seamstresses. 

Celebration of the Feast of Saint Anne-Marie

Religious Rituals

Mass or church service: Religious celebrations in honour of St Anne Marie are often held in churches to pray for her blessing and to celebrate her life of dedication to God and his daughter, the Virgin Mary.

Procession: Some churches may hold processions to celebrate the feast of St Anne Mary, with songs and prayers to invoke her blessing.

Personal devotion: Many believers also choose to pray personally for St Anne Mary and ask for her help and protection.

Donations: Some people may also make donations in honour of St. Anne Marie to charitable organisations or churches to honour her memory and devotion to those in need.

Prayer to Saint Anne Marie

O Saint Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary, we fervently invoke you to ask for your intercession.

You were chosen by God to give birth to the Mother of Jesus and to raise the child Jesus with love and devotion.

You are an example to us of faith, perseverance and dedication to our Lord.

We ask you to pray for us, that we may have the strength to follow in the footsteps of your beloved daughter, the Virgin Mary, and to be witnesses of God's love in this world.

Protect us and bless us, Saint Anne.

Give us wisdom and patience to face the challenges of life with courage and perseverance.

Intercede for us with your daughter and grandson, that we may receive their grace and blessing.

We thank you for your constant love and concern for us.

We honour you as the mother of the Virgin Mary and as our protector.

We ask you to accompany us in our daily lives and to guide us on the way to eternal life.


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