St. Jude: patron saint of hopeless causes and apostle of Jesus

St. Jude: patron saint of hopeless causes and apostle of Jesus

The feast of Saint Jude is celebrated every year on 28 October. St. Jude is an apostle of Jesus and patron saint of desperate causes, known for his devotion to Jesus and his ability to help people in desperate situations. He is often invoked for intercession in difficult situations and for spiritual guidance. Saint Jude, patron of desperate causes, pray for us to be helped in difficult situations and to be instruments of devotion to Jesus.

Who is Saint Jude?

His story

St Jude is considered one of the twelve apostles of Jesus in the Christian tradition. He is also known as Judas Thaddeus. He is often associated with help and intercession in times of doubt and despair. Many people call upon St. Jude in times of difficulty in their lives for help and support. 

His significance

Saint Jude is considered the patron saint of hopeless causes and difficult situations. He is often invoked by people who feel lost or hopeless. The significance of St. Jude is that of help and support in difficult times, as well as faith and hope to overcome life's challenges.

Celebration of the Feast of Saint Jude

Religious rituals

Saint Jude, also known as Judas Thaddeus, is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ and is considered the patron saint of hopeless and lost causes. Religious celebrations around his feast day, which takes place on 28 October, usually include mass, the praying of rosaries and meditation on the writings of St Jude. The faithful may also light candles to ask his intercession for difficult problems or to give thanks for favours obtained. Finally, donations to charities are often made in honour of Saint Jude to honour his devotion to those in need.

Prayer to Saint Jude

Saint Jude, faithful apostle of Jesus, we have recourse to you on this day.

You are known as the patron saint of hopeless causes and we implore your help in our difficulties.

We entrust to you our sorrows and sufferings, our hopes and dreams, our fears and uncertainties.

Grant us the strength to persevere in adversity and the serenity of spirit in times of discouragement.

We pray for those in need, those who seek refuge and comfort, those who face illness and suffering.

Give them peace and healing.

We thank you for your constant presence in our lives and for your faithfulness to those who pray to you in faith.

We thank you for your many miracles and for the many signs of your goodness that we have received.

We pray to you now, O Saint Jude, that you will be our protector and guide, that you will bring peace and comfort to our hearts, that you will help us to find the way of wisdom and grace.


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