Saint Joan of Arc: an emblematic figure of resistance and freedom

Saint Joan of Arc: an emblematic figure of resistance and freedom

The feast of St Joan of Arc is celebrated on 30 May. St Joan of Arc is a French girl known for her determination to protect her country from English invaders and her devotion to Jesus, St Joan of Arc is considered a symbol of courage and determination. She is often invoked for guidance and protection for those fighting for their country. Saint Joan of Arc, patroness of France, pray for us to be instruments of courage and determination.

Who is Saint Joan of Arc?

Her story

Saint Joan of Arc was born around 1412 in Domrémy-la-Pucelle and died on 30 May 1431 in Rouen. Saint Joan of Arc is an important figure in French history. She began to hear heavenly voices at the age of 13 that ordered her to free France from the English yoke. At 17, she took up arms to fight the war and helped win several crucial battles. She was captured by the English, tried for heresy and burned alive in 1431.

Her significance

Despite her tragic death, St Joan of Arc is considered a national heroine in France and is celebrated for her strength, determination and faith. She was canonised in 1920 and is considered a saint by the Catholic Church. The feast of St Joan of Arc is celebrated on 30 May.

Celebration of the Feast of St Joan of Arc

Religious rituals

Masses and prayers in honour of St Joan of Arc, reading of the biography of St Joan of Arc and her heroic deeds, processions through the streets with images and statues of St Joan of Arc, prayers to ask for her intercession for France and for individuals seeking healing or spiritual support. Participation in community activities, such as picnics and festivities, to celebrate her life and legacy.

Folk festivals

The purpose of these rituals is to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Saint Joan of Arc and to honour her for her courage, determination and unwavering faith.

Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc

Saint Joan of Arc,

You who served God with determination and courage,

You who gave your life to free your country,

We invoke you today to ask for your intercession.

Help us to find our own way in life, 

With the strength, determination and faith that you have shown.

Protect us in difficult times and give us the wisdom to make the right choices.

We thank you for your legacy, for your courage and for your determination.

Help us to follow your example in serving God with all our hearts.

We call on you with confidence today and forever.


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