Saint Paul, a precursor of the Christian faith

Saint Paul, a precursor of the Christian faith

The feast of Saint Paul is celebrated every year on 29 June. St. Paul is an apostle of Jesus and one of the main founders of the Christian Church, St. Paul is known for his devotion to spreading the word of God. He is the author of several letters in the Christian Scriptures and is often invoked for spiritual strength and guidance. St Paul, apostle of Jesus, pray for us that we may be witnesses to his word.

Who is Saint Paul?

His Story

St Paul was an apostle and one of the most important leaders of early Christianity. He was born in Tarsus in Turkey and was trained as a Jewish Pharisee. However, after having a vision of Jesus on the road to Damascus, he gave up his previous life to become a devout Christian. 

St Paul travelled throughout the Mediterranean world preaching the Gospel, founding churches and teaching believers. His epistles, which are included in the New Testament of the Bible, were widely read and had a profound influence on the early Christians. St Paul was arrested several times for his faith and was eventually executed in Rome under the Emperor Nero.

His significance

St. Paul is considered a martyr of the faith and is venerated by Christians of many traditions.

Celebration of the Feast of Saint Paul

Religious rituals

Celebrations usually include masses in honour of St Paul, prayers and processions. Some churches may also hold meetings to discuss his teaching and life. It is also common to read passages from the Bible relating events in the life of St Paul, as well as specific prayers to ask for his intercession.

Prayer to Saint Paul

O blessed St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles,

You who travelled the roads of the East to proclaim the Gospel, we ask you to pray for us today.

Give us the strength to live our faith with determination, as you did yourself, despite difficulties and persecutions.

Inspire us to proclaim the Good News with courage, and to witness to God's love to those around us.

Help us to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, as you did in your life, and to follow his path.

Heal the wounds of our hearts, and strengthen our hope in the resurrection.

O St Paul, intercede for us with the Lord, and obtain for us the grace to live our lives according to his will.

We pray that we may be faithful witnesses to the Gospel, as you yourself were, with diligence and love.


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