Easter traditions around the world

Easter traditions around the world

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Easter is a Christian holiday celebrated throughout the world to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But each country has its own traditions for celebrating this religious holiday.

Easter traditions in Europe


In France, the tradition of egg hunts is also popular, as is the blessing of bells in churches. Church bells are not rung from Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday as a sign of mourning, but they are rung again on Easter Sunday to announce the resurrection of Jesus.


In Italy, Holy Week is a time of fasting and prayer. Celebrations include street processions and masses in churches. Easter meals are often lamb or rabbit.


In Greece, the Easter tradition is very important and includes week-long celebrations. Easter meals are based on lamb or kid meat and are often accompanied by tsoureki bread, a sweet and spicy bread.

Easter traditions in Asia


In the Philippines, Holy Week is a time of fasting and prayer. Celebrations include street processions and re-enactments of the crucifixion. On Easter Sunday, bells ring to announce the resurrection of Jesus.

South Korea

In South Korea, Easter is mainly celebrated by Christians. Celebrations include special church services and family meals.


In Lebanon, Christians celebrate Easter with street processions and church masses. Easter meals are often based on lamb or chicken.

Easter traditions in Latin America


In Mexico, Holy Week is very important and the celebrations are intense. On Good Friday, the streets are filled with processions of people carrying crosses and statues of Jesus. On Easter Sunday there are fireworks and dancing in the streets.


In Brazil, Easter is very important and is known as "Páscoa". Brazilians decorate their houses with colourful eggs and flowers. On Easter Sunday they go to church to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Easter traditions in Africa


In Ethiopia, the Easter festival, called "Fasika", is celebrated after the 55-day fast known as "Tsome Filseta". Ethiopians gather with their families to share a traditional meal and sing religious hymns.


In Nigeria, Easter is celebrated by Christians with processions and church services. Families gather to share an Easter meal, which may include jollof rice, vegetables and chicken.

Easter traditions vary from country to country, but they all have in common the importance of the resurrection of Jesus for Christians. Whether you celebrate Easter with the joy and fervour of processions and church services, or share a traditional meal with your family, this holiday is an opportunity to remember the profound significance of Jesus' resurrection and to celebrate the eternal life he offers to all who believe in him.

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